October is “Adopt a Shelter Dog” month, and there are more dogs in need now than ever before. We had the opportunity to speak with Beth Maresh, Director of the Wisconsin Humane Society - Ozaukee Campus - about the importance of adopting a shelter dog and other ways to help rescue animals.
Tell us more about the Wisconsin Humane Society.
The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS) is a private, nonprofit organization that provides valuable care and treatment for all kinds of animals in need. WHS is the largest shelter in the state of Wisconsin, receives no government funding, and is not part of any national organization.
How many animals find “forever homes” at the Wisconsin Humane Society each year?
The Wisconsin Humane Society is committed to providing protection, shelter and care for homeless animals. Last year, we found homes and loving families for more than 10,000 animals.
What can an adoptive dog bring to your life?
Not only will you be saving the dog’s life, but you’ll also find how much a dog can improve your own life. Dogs are amazing, supportive, and heroic companions that can make a huge difference in your world. Dogs can be a best friend, an exercise buddy, or trained for animal-assisted therapy.
How do I find my perfect match?
Choosing a new animal companion can be very exciting. Start your selection process through family discussion. Talk about the physical characteristics that appeal to you, but most importantly, what personality will best suit your environment and lifestyle. Adoption counselors at your local shelter will use those factors to help find your family’s perfect match.
What should I do before visiting the shelter?
Learn all you can. Visit the library and read about the type of animal you are interested in. Attending seminars at your local shelter is a great way to better understand animal behavior and care.
What if I can’t adopt? Are there other ways I can help shelter dogs?
If adopting a shelter dog is not an option for your family, consider helping shelter dogs with a donation to your local humane society or animal shelter. Because of generous donors, organizations like the Wisconsin Humane Society are able to provide protection, shelter and care for homeless animals.
Meet Cooper! Cooper is a nine year old Longhair Miniature Dachshund who was rescued from the Dachshund Rescue of North America after his prior family lost their home to historic flooding in Iowa. He is so happy he found his "forever family," and loves lounging in his favorite Basket Lady basket.
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